Supporting The Internal Audit Community

Elevate is a scholarship program that provides access to training for internal auditors through need-based and merit-based application criteria.

The program has helped more than 300 internal audit professionals with scholarships totaling more than $250,000.

Building Next Generation Skills

The program provides scholarships to help internal auditors in the United States and Canada prepare for and achieve certification, positioning them to advance their careers and further the internal audit profession.

Up to 15 scholarships have been awarded twice each year. Applications for the latest round of scholarships were accepted through November 30, 2022 and scholarship awards were announced in December 2022. Each scholarship is valued at more than $2,000 USD and covers the cost of training and certification for all three parts of the CIA exam.

A true expert who understands and can apply the International Standards for the Professional Practice of Internal Auditing.

A stronger, more competent professional who is knowledgeable in organizational governance.

Committed to the profession of internal auditing and equipped for career-advancing opportunities.

Career-Advancing Curriculum

Scholarship recipients will receive access to CIA study materials from The IIA after completing AuditBoard's Modern Audit Essentials course.

This course is required as part of the Elevate Internal Audit Scholarship program sponsored by AuditBoard and The IIA. The focus of this course is on what we at AuditBoard believe to be the essential skills for a modern auditor. In order to be eligible for this course, you must first apply and receive approval.

Who Will Benefit

This course is designed for auditors who have been approved for the Elevate scholarship program. Passing this course with an 80% or higher is required to receive a scholarship voucher.

Course Objectives:

  • Explain why understanding the business goals of an organization is important for the Internal Audit role.
  • Identify strategies for staying aligned with the business objectives of their organization.
  • Describe the importance of strong stakeholder relationships for the Audit team.
  • List the eight tenets of using the human touch in Audit.
  • Define agile auditing and distinguish how agile auditing differs from traditional auditing.
  • Describe how agile auditing solves many of the common challenges faced by audit departments today.
  • List methods for building a more agile and relevant internal audit function.
  • List three ways small audit teams can increase their coverage.
  • List seven ways you can win a budget argument with your CFO.

Upon completion of this course, participants will have the opportunity to select from the following curriculum offered by The IIA, specifically designed for this program.

This scholarship pathway will cover all costs for your application and exam fees, as well as study materials for all three parts of the exam, for a full value of up to $2,210 USD:*

  • CIA Application Fee.
  • CIA Exam FEE: Parts 1-3.
  • The IIA's CIA Learning System Version 7.0 Online Only: Parts 1-3. (Includes 2 years of online software access.)
    • The IIA’s CIA Learning System Version 7.0 is all-new and updated to focus on passing the exam parts with speed. It remains a comprehensive and interactive CIA review program that teaches and reinforces the updated CIA exam syllabi and International Professional Practices Framework (IPPF) in a flexible, on-demand format, tailored to current knowledge gaps, learning style, and schedule.
    • Updated online quizzes, study tools, and reading materials provide candidates with the most personalized, flexible, and efficient study experience for express exam day success. No other study tool aligns The IIA’s professional knowledge, training, and certification expertise.

Eligibility Requirements

  • Internal audit professional in the private sector seeking designation as a Certified Internal Auditor.
  • Must meet one of the following requirements for entrance to the CIA program:
    • Hold a bachelor’s degree or higher,
    • Hold an active Internal Audit Practitioner designation, or
    • Possess five years of internal audit experience.
  • Resident of the United States or Canada.

We are not currently accepting applications for this program.

For more information, refer to our Terms & Conditions.