Customer FAQ for Hg Acquisition of AuditBoard 

Customer FAQ for Hg Acquisition of AuditBoard 

What’s the news? 

This morning, we announced AuditBoard agreed to be acquired by one of the largest and most successful software investors in the world, Hg—a London-based company with US offices in San Francisco, and New York. This is exciting news that we expect will have a positive impact on you and your teams. 

What does this mean for my relationship with AuditBoard?

This change in ownership will have no impact on the service or support you receive today. AuditBoard will remain an independently operated subsidiary run by the same, talented team you work with today. 

What are the impacts of this on my team?

With the support of Hg, we will be able to do even more of what we love to do most—build and deliver practitioner-focused solutions that help you solve real-world problems, and elevate the impact of your teams. In fact, we anticipate that the additional resources and global expertise of Hg will help us to accelerate new innovation and global expansion to better serve you.

Who is Hg? 

Hg is a software investor that has both a strong European heritage and a scaled presence across North America. They focus on building transatlantic champions that provide critical services for thousands of businesses globally. And they are investing in the future—helping to enable workplace automation and digital transformation in areas like audit, risk, and compliance that are still in the early stages of adoption. 

What if I have any other questions?

If you have any related questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to your customer success representative, or AuditBoard support. You can also learn more at