Expert Insights: Navigating the New Era of AI - Expert Insights | AuditBoard

Expert Insights: Navigating the New Era of AI

As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to revolutionize industries worldwide, organizations must understand its implications for data privacy, risk, and governance. Damaris Fynn (Americas Risk Analytics Leader, EY) hosts a lively conversation with Samta Kapoor (Responsible AI and AI Energy Leader, EY) and Sarah Liang (Americas AI Risk Leader, EY) on the multi-faceted realm of AI, breaking down misconceptions and highlighting the emergent risks it presents, including:

  • What AI actually is and the risks associated with its implementation
  • Recognize the impacts of new AI regulations on data privacy, risk, and governance
  • Apply the framework for implementing responsible AI within their respective organizations
  • Explain the regulations that impact responsible AI and how to navigate them

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