How PSI Boosted Management Action Plan Implementation by 30% - Spotlight on Success | AuditBoard

How PSI Boosted Management Action Plan Implementation by 30%

In our Spotlight on Success series, Liz Folsom, Vice President of Global Internal Audit and Investigation at Population Services International (PSI), discusses how transitioning from a manual environment to a previous software solution didn’t fix version control issues, but finally implementing AuditBoard’s connected risk management platform provided real-time visibility into status and significantly improved data-driven decision-making for the business. Hear how internal audit at PSI — an NGO with a global footprint — implemented combined assurance and provides timely information to a fast-moving organization, including:

  • Leveraging OpsAudit to reduce their time to issue audit reports by 45% in 12 months — and tracking for a further 30% reduction.

  • Empowering stakeholders to make better-informed decisions by creating customized dashboards with relevant, real-time information.

  • Increasing management action plan implementation by 32% due to the accessibility of information.

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