Internal Audit Hyperautomation Blueprint Series: Purchasing and Payables | AuditBoard

Internal Audit Hyperautomation Blueprint Series: Purchasing and Payables

Internal Audit Hyperautomation Blueprint Series: Purchasing and Payables
  • Impactful automation opportunities in purchasing and payables

  • RPA, advanced analytics, data visualization, and API/iPaaS

  • Fraud and internal control automated analysis

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In a time where “default is digital” has become the normal operating standard, it may come as no surprise that hyperautomation leads as one of the top technology trends. The rapid rise of hyperautomation in the last several years indicates a shift from basic, task-centric automation — enabled by stand-alone, non-integrated solutions like RPA, process mining, and machine learning (ML) — toward process-level automation and process orchestrations.

The trend toward hyperautomation may seem daunting for audit teams who have only recently implemented automation technologies like RPA and audit analytics solutions — but  implementing hyperautomation in your audit processes need not be overwhelming. 

The first installment of AuditBoard’s Internal Audit Hyperautomation Blueprint Series provides an introduction to hyperautomation and guidance for how to implement it in purchasing and payables, a frequently audited business process containing many opportunities for hyperautomation. 

Download the full guide for concrete steps to adopt hyperautomation across the purchasing and payables lifecycle, including:

  • The most impactful automation opportunities in purchasing and payables, including an overview of commonly used systems and data files. 
  • Value-add focused procedures for incorporating RPA, advanced analytics, data visualization, and API/iPaaS into discovery analytics/data profiling
  • Fraud and internal control automated analysis and testing techniques.

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