New Audit Landscape: ESG, Cyber, More | AuditBoard

New Audit Landscape: ESG, Cyber, More

New Audit Landscape: ESG, Cyber, More
  • Perspectives from leading auditors on sustainability reporting

  • Common cybersecurity disclosure challenges and ways to overcome them

  • Emerging corporate reporting areas for audit committees

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As companies face sustainability reporting challenges, accounting and audit firms are fielding increased requests for assistance, along with demands from investors and regulatory bodies for assurance on disclosures.

Similar pressure is being applied to auditors’ work regarding cybersecurity. As breaches become more pervasive and threaten shutdowns of company operations, there is greater urgency for companies and auditors to be aware of and head off these risks.

As audit committees prepare for an increased role in managing sustainability and cyber risks and regulators around the world begin to implement requirements for ESG and security disclosures, audit teams must stay abreast of an evolving audit environment. Download New Audit Landscape: ESG, Cyber, More from Compliance Week, sponsored by AuditBoard, to learn more about:

  • Perspectives from leading auditors regarding the state of sustainability reporting
  • Cybersecurity disclosure challenges
  • Emerging corporate reporting areas for audit committees

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