Reinventing Insurance: The Expanding Role of IT Risk and Compliance | AuditBoard

Reinventing Insurance: The Expanding Role of IT Risk and Compliance

Reinventing Insurance: The Expanding Role of IT Risk and Compliance
  • Develop strategic risk assessments to support future business strategy

  • Gain visibility into emerging cyber threats and trends

  • Mitigate cyber risk and unlock growth opportunities

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37% of insurance CEOs say their organization won’t be economically viable in ten years (PwC). That’s why executive leaders are increasingly being tasked with a new, additional role: provide strategic risk assessments to support future business strategy. 

As insurers navigate unprecedented industry disruption, IT risk and compliance teams have a strategic part to play. At a time of rapid business transformation, visibility into emerging cyber threats and trends is invaluable for identifying new avenues of growth. To learn more, view this infographic on the evolving scope of ITRC, and learn what forward-looking teams need to know to be agile at mitigating IT/cyber risk and unlocking growth opportunities. 

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